Open Leagues

**All leagues listed are operated by the club and are completely open to the public, everyone is welcome to join!**

Sign up for the following leagues are now open:

  • Monday Night Team Best Ball League (NEW)

  • Ladies Wednesday Night League (NEW)

  • Thursday Night Scramble League

If we are interested in signing up, or have questions about the league, please contact us!

Phone: 810-982-5251

Email: [email protected]

Thursday 2-Person Scramble League

Sign up for the league has officially opened!

As a reminder:  

This league is completely open to the public!  Anyone and everyone can join! This league will be handicap based/scored. Resulting in everyone being on the same playing 

field & thus will have an equal chance of winning! 


What this league includes:

  • 15-18 weeks of golf (May 7th-September 10th)

  • Professional and personalized scoring/scorecards

  • Proximity contests every week 

  • Skins every week ($10 buy in per team a week)

  • Guaranteed tee-times

  • End of the league awards banquet

  • NCAA Basketball knockout style tournament, winner takes $1,000 cash

  • Large money pot, more payouts ($4,000 in winnings based off of 100 players)

  • And much more! 


Changes this year:

  • Separating teams into divisions based off of skill!

  • Paying out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the regular season!

  • TWO $1,000 cash NCAA basketball style tournaments!


To sign up, please give me a call or email!  

Phone number:                                                 810-982-5251

Email:                                 [email protected]

Wednesday Night Women’s League


Officially introducing the brand new Wednesday night league!


The league is a 2 woman team scramble league and is completely open to the public!  Anyone and everyone can join! This league will be handicap based/scored as well.  Resulting in everyone being on the same playing field & thus will have an equal chance of winning! 


What this league includes:

  • 15 weeks of golf (May 13th-August 19th)

  • Professional and personalized scoring/scorecards

  • Contests every week 

  • Skins every week 

  • Guaranteed tee-times

  • Cash payouts

  • And much more! 


To sign up, please give me a call or email!  

Phone number:                                                 810-982-5251

Email:                                 [email protected]

Monday Night Team Best Ball

Officially introducing the brand new Monday night league!


This league is a 2 person team handicap based/scored league completely open to the public!  Anyone and everyone can join!  

What this league includes:

  • 15 weeks of golf (May 11th-August 24th, holidays off)

  • Professional and personalized scoring/scorecards

  • Proximity contests every week 

  • Skins every week

  • Guaranteed tee-times

  • Cash payouts

  • And much more! 


To sign up, please give me a call or email!  

Phone number:                                                 810-982-5251

Email:                                 [email protected]

Interested in Receiving a Quote for Your Golf League?


If yes, please contact us!  We have openings on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at all times!

What we offer:

  • Personal accommodation for any group size

  • Professional scoring

  • Proximity markers for contest holes (closest to the pin, longest drive, etc.)

  • Guaranteed tee times each week

  • Guaranteed restaurant hours of operation

  • And much more!

If you are interested, or have any questions, please email or give us a call!

Phone: (810) 982-5251

Email: [email protected]

Address: 3300 Country Club Drive, Port Huron, MI 48060